Thursday, March 24, 2011

General Electric Pensacola Wind Turbine Plant Tour

On April 7th 2011 Business NetLinks Members and guests will tour one of the finest manufacturing plants in the World... and it's right here in Pensacola!

GE 1.5Mw Wind Turbine Brochure

GE 2.5Mw Wind Turbine Brochure

We will be meeting in the parking lot off of Scenic Highway at 7:30am. The tour begins at 7:45am.

In order to attend, you must register by Tuesday night; register by sending an email to  Plant Security requires a list of attendees to allow entrance; visitors will not be allowed in unless on the pre-approved list.  Additionally, GE needs how many will attend in order to arrange for an appropriate number of guides.

No open toed shoes or high heels allowed. Safety glass will be provided by GE, and hard hats will not be necessary



GE Wins $1.4 Billion Contract Dec 2009


The tour has been limited to 15 people. We had a great deal of interest and some people who registered had to be turned away because this information was not available until Tuesday. For this we apologize. The 15 people who are on the list and those who registered and did not make the list have been notified by email.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Free Workshop - Growth Club - Build a Plan for Q2

Les Austin, one of our outstanding members wanted to let everyone know about a free workshop being put on by Bill Eveleth, one of our area's best business coaches.

"As you think, so you will be.  You see, it's not what you say you are going to do, but what you believe you will do that really matters.  And that's why this quarter we are focusing on building that believable plan that you absolutely WILL implement.

GrowthCLUB is all about you and your business's growth and success.  As your coach, I will lead you through the steps necessary to build a great plan.  We will also have some dynamic speakers and have some fun too."

The workshop is on Friday March 25th from 8:45am til noon at Pensacola State College. (Room TBD)

As of the time of this writing there is 5 spots still available. Register Here. Hurry!! ...Space is limited!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Express Leadership Seminar

Just as a reminder, the seminar sponsored by Express Employment Professionals featuring Ken Blanchard, Walter Bond and Peyton Manning will be held on Wednesday May 18th from 8am til Noon. The location will be the Icon Center of the First United Methodist Church at 6 E. Wright St. Map

This will be on our Calender. Details on how to register will be upcoming.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Governor Scott's speech to the CATO Institute

Governor Scott makes it pretty clear it is his intention to make Florida the number one state in the country for business. 700,000 new jobs in Florida in four years. 0% Business Tax. This is a speech to listen to and hold him to. Because I think every Floridian can get behind this. This is certainly good news for business in Florida.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

One of the most important firearms in all history!!

But there was no fire!! Bob Hawkins of Hawkins and Associates brought this to my attention and it certainly is interesting to know. In 1803, then President Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore and map the recently purchase Louisiana Territory. How a party of 38 men and one woman made it across the vast landscape of the West and back again still boggles the mind. But here's a little piece of the story.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fly Fishing Classes Start Soon!

Our very own Paul Lukkar of Gulf Coast Financial wanted everyone to know that the season is near for fly fishing lessons! From March 14th through May 2nd, every Monday night from 6-8 pm, local fishing connoisseurs can learn all the details about fly fishing. The class is sponsored by Fly Fishers of Northwest Florida. It costs $60 and includes a complimentary membership in FFNWF for the remainder of 2011.

Students will learn the principles of fly fishing, equipment selection, fly tying, fly casting and knots.

The classes will be held at Mira Flores Park near 17th Ave and Belmont St. Map  
Class sizes are restricted to 15 people so hurry!

For more information contact Russ Shields at 850-983-9515 of by email at